Radio Mariam Nazareth is the first Arabic Catholic web-radio, in
the Holy Land, where it addresses first of all the “living stones”,
that is the Christian community.
It was born the 8th of December 2019 and it broadcasts straight
from Nazareth city, in Galilee, not far from the Holy Grotto
where the Virgin Mary received the Annunciation from
Archangel Gabriel, and where the Holy Family lived.
Radio Mariam Nazareth aims to be the voice of communities
rooted deep in the origins of the Church, and to represent
different rites, in the richness of their traditions and heritage.
From this region historically so important, this project wants to
promote the knowledge of Sanctuaries and Holy Places, to
reach the Arabic speaking communities in the whole world, to
contribute as well to a culture of love, peace and fraternity.